Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

May 29, 2017

We hope that you have taken our frequent bit of Air_Conditioning_heat_wave_coming_business_man_holding_a_electric_fan_Heat_Wave_Heat_Temperature_Sweat_Summer_Electric_Fan-cu_e260x180advice to heart and been diligent in scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Wellington, CO. If not, you are putting your comfort, your budget, and even the overall operating condition of your cooling system at risk. While annual air conditioning maintenance is definitely the best way in which to keep your AC functioning at peak performance and efficiency levels, there is also one important step that you should be handling yourself: changing your air filter as needed.

It may not sound like much, but simply changing out your air filter as needed is one of the best things that you can do for your air conditioner. Of course, it is important that you use a filter that is the right for your air conditioning system. If you have any questions about how frequently you should be changing your filter, how to actually replace the filter, or what type of filter you should be using, do not hesitate to give our technicians a call. In fact, you just may find some more helpful tips right here in upcoming posts.

Increased Airflow Resistance

When you leave your air filter in your air conditioning system for too long, it is going to get very clogged up. Obviously, the whole point of your air filter is to create enough resistance to filter pollutants out, but to allow air to flow through that filter as well. If the filter is clogged, then the AC is going to start to struggle to pump air through that filter effectively. That will cause the system to work harder, driving up your energy costs.

Decreased Comfort Levels

Know what is even worse than paying too much to cool your home due to a dirty air filter? Paying too much to do so, even as your comfort plummets! This is a real risk if you let your air filter get too dirty. Not only will your system burn through more energy as it struggles to cool your home, it will also fail to deliver cooled air throughout the whole house effectively. You may notice that areas further from your air handler simply are not as comfortable as others.

Increased Risk of Damages

Perhaps the greatest reason for changing your air filter regularly–even more than protecting your comfort and your budget–is protecting the air conditioning system itself. If your AC is trying harder and harder to force air through a clogged filter, that wear and tear can result in serious damages to the system. The decreased airflow could also lead to ice on the system as the evaporator coil gets too cold, and this layer of insulation will only impede operation further.

Changing your air filter as recommended by the manufacturer and being careful to use only those filters designed for use with your specific system are some of the best ways in which to get the most out of your AC. Do so, and you’ll be able to keep your cool this summer.

Contact Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning for your AC services. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


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