Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Indoor Air Quality

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often overlook a crucial aspect of our well-being: the air we breathe indoors. While we might associate pollution with busy streets and industrial areas, indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a significant role in our health and comfort. From our homes to workplaces, schools, and public buildings, understanding and improving indoor air quality is essential for creating healthier environments for everyone. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of indoor air quality, its impact on health, and practical steps to enhance the air we breathe indoors.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality: We spend a significant portion of our lives in indoor spaces, whether at home, work, or leisure. Therefore, the quality of indoor air directly affects our health and well-being. Indoor air quality problems can lead to various health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, headaches, fatigue, and even long-term conditions such as asthma and other respiratory diseases. Additionally, indoor air pollution can exacerbate existing health conditions and impact our productivity and overall quality of life.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants: Indoor air pollution can arise from various sources, both natural and man-made. Common indoor air pollutants include:

  1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Found in household products such as paints, solvents, cleaning agents, and furniture, VOCs can release harmful chemicals into the air, leading to respiratory irritation and other health issues.
  2. Particulate Matter: Fine particles, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores, can become airborne indoors and trigger allergies and respiratory problems.
  3. Carbon Monoxide (CO): Colorless and odorless, carbon monoxide is a deadly gas emitted by malfunctioning appliances, such as gas stoves, furnaces, and water heaters.
  4. Radon: A radioactive gas present in soil and rock, radon can seep into buildings and pose a significant health risk, increasing the likelihood of lung cancer.
  5. Tobacco Smoke: Secondhand smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products contains numerous toxic chemicals that can harm both smokers and non-smokers alike.

Improving Indoor Air Quality: Fortunately, there are several measures we can take to enhance indoor air quality and create healthier living and working environments:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Ensure that heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are properly maintained and cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of dust, mold, and other contaminants. Duct Cleanings are a great way to ensure your system is not blowing around dust, debris, or other indoor pollutants.
  2. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for diluting and removing indoor air pollutants. Opening windows and doors, using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms, and installing mechanical ventilation systems can help improve air circulation.
  3. Air Purification: Air purifiers equipped with HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters can effectively capture and remove airborne particles, allergens, and pollutants from indoor air.
  4. Source Control: Minimize indoor air pollution by choosing low-emission building materials, furniture, and household products. Opt for natural cleaning alternatives and avoid smoking indoors.
  5. Indoor Plants: Certain indoor plants, such as spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants, can help improve indoor air quality by absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen.

Indoor air quality is a crucial aspect of our health and well-being, yet it is often overlooked. By understanding the sources of indoor air pollution and taking proactive steps to improve ventilation, filtration, and source control, we can create healthier indoor environments for ourselves and future generations. Breathing easy indoors is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for a happier, healthier life.

Are you in need of air quality services? Contact our team at Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your service today!


When it comes to maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, your heating and air conditioning systems play a crucial role. But have you ever wondered what’s going on inside those mysterious air ducts that snake their way through your home or workplace? It’s a question that doesn’t often cross our minds, yet understanding what’s inside your air ducts is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality and optimizing the performance of your HVAC system. In this blog post, we’ll take a peek inside your air ducts to uncover what might be in there and why it matters.

The Basics of Air Ducts

Before we dive into what’s inside, let’s start with a brief overview of what air ducts are and why they are important. Air ducts are a network of tubes or passages used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to distribute conditioned air throughout a building. They play a vital role in regulating indoor temperatures and ensuring that fresh air is circulated throughout your space.

Air ducts come in various shapes and sizes, and their construction materials can vary from metal to fiberglass or even flexible plastic. These ducts may be either visible or concealed behind walls, ceilings, and floors, which can make them somewhat mysterious to the average individual.

What Accumulates Inside Air Ducts?

Over time, various particles and contaminants can accumulate inside creating dirty ducts. Some of the most common substances found include:

1. Dust and Debris:

Dust particles are commonly found in the air, and can be pulled into your HVAC system through intake vents. Once inside the air ducts, dust settles on the duct walls and can accumulate over time. This excessive dust buildup not only affects indoor air flow but can also reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning unit.

2. Allergens:

Allergens like pollen, pet hair, and mold spores can find their way into your air ducts. If you are prone to having bad allergies or allergic reactions, you want to make sure you have clean air ducts these allergens can exacerbate symptoms and cause discomfort

3. Mold and Mildew:

If there’s excess moisture inside your ducts, it can create the perfect habitat for mold and mildew. Mold growth not only releases spores into the air but can also damage the ducts themselves, potentially leading to costly repairs.

4. Insects and Rodents:

Insects and rodents seeking shelter can find their way into your ductwork. Their presence not only poses health risks but can also result in foul odors and damage to the ducts.

5. Dust Mites:

These microscopic creatures feed on dust accumulation and dead skin cells, which can multiply rapidly in a household of dust. Dust mites themselves can also trigger allergies in some individuals.

Why Does What’s Inside Your Air Ducts Matter?

Understanding what accumulates inside your air ducts is crucial for several reasons:

1. Indoor Air Quality:

The air circulated through your ducts is the same air you and your family breathe. Contaminants in your air ducts can lead to poor indoor air quality, which can cause or exacerbate health issues, particularly in those with allergies or respiratory conditions.

2. Energy Efficiency:

Layers of dust and debris inside your ducts can restrict airflow, making your HVAC system work harder to maintain desired temperatures. This results in higher energy costs and more frequent repairs.

3. HVAC System Longevity:

Contaminants inside your ducts can also lead to premature wear and tear on your HVAC system. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your ducts can extend the life of your equipment.

4. Unpleasant Odors:

Insects, rodents, and mold growth can create foul odors that permeate your living or working space. A clean duct system can help eliminate these odors.

How to Keep Your Air Ducts Clean

Now that you understand why it’s essential to know what’s inside your air ducts, let’s explore how you can keep them clean and maintain a healthier indoor environment:

1. Regular HVAC Maintenance:

Schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system. This includes cleaning and inspecting your air ducts, as well as changing filters, to ensure they are free from debris and functioning optimally. One of our professionals at Fort Collins Heating & Air can help you get this taken care of.

2. Duct Cleaning Services:

Consider hiring professional duct cleaners like ours at Fort Collins Heating & Air to thoroughly service your ducts. They have the equipment and expertise to remove built-up contaminants effectively.

3. Proper Ventilation:

Maintain proper ventilation in your space to minimize moisture buildup, which can contribute to mold growth inside your ducts.

4. Seal Duct Leaks:

Duct leaks can allow contaminants to enter your ductwork. Have any leaks sealed by one of our professionals to prevent this issue.

5. Air Purification:

Invest in a duct air purification system or air filters to trap contaminants before they enter your HVAC system.

The condition of your air ducts matters more than you might think. Over time, various contaminants like dust, allergens, mold, insects, and rodents can accumulate inside them, affecting your indoor air quality, energy efficiency, HVAC system longevity, and even lead to unpleasant odors.

By following our guide above, you can enjoy better indoor air quality, lower energy bills, and a longer lifespan for your HVAC system. Fort Collins Heating & Air is here to assist you with all your professional air duct cleaning needs! Call today to schedule a service!

Air Duct Cleaning

Caucasian male removing a square pleated dirty air filter with both hands from a ceiling air duct. Guy taking out an unclean air filter from a home ceiling air vent.

We all know the importance of maintaining a clean living space, but what about the air we breathe? The air ducts in your home play a critical role in circulating air throughout your home, and if they are dirty, they can have a negative impact on your health and your heating and cooling system.

Clean air ducts may seem like an afterthought. However, the truth is that they are responsible for keeping the air in your home clean and maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of your HVAC system. This guide will help you learn more about the importance of keeping your air ducts clean for both your health and your HVAC system.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

The improved quality of the air inside the house is the clean air ducts’ main benefit. Your air ducts can become clogged with dust, dirt, pet dander, and other contaminants over time. At the point when you turn on your central air framework, these foreign substances are coursed all through your home, which can set off sensitivities and respiratory issues. These contaminants can be removed, and the air quality in your home can be improved with professional duct cleaning.

Increased Energy Efficiency

Dirty air ducts can also impact the energy efficiency of your HVAC system. Believe it or not, dirty air ducts can make your HVAC system work harder. Clogged air ducts require your HVAC system to work harder.

As a result, your system has to work harder to circulate air throughout your home. In addition, because your system uses more power to control the climate in your home, your energy costs can increase drastically. In short, clean air ducts save money on your energy bills by enhancing the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Reduced Allergies and Respiratory Issues

If you or someone in your household deals with respiratory issues or allergies, dirty air ducts can exacerbate these conditions. When your air ducts are clogged with dust and allergens, they constantly circulate throughout your home. Professional duct cleaning can remove these contaminants, reducing the possibility of allergic reactions and respiratory issues.

Extended HVAC Lifespan

Regular duct cleaning can also help keep your HVAC system functioning longer. Essentially, clean ducts extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. When your air ducts are blocked by dirt and debris, it can cause your system to work harder to circulate air.

This can put unnecessary strain on your system, leading to breakdowns and costly repairs. With regular air duct cleanings, you can decrease the pressure on your HVAC system and extend its lifespan.


Maintaining clean air ducts is essential for maintaining a healthy living space. Contact a reputable heating and HVAC service provider at Fort Collins Heating and Air if you’re looking for professional duct cleaning and heating services in Loveland, CO.

A reliable company offering maintenance and HVAC repair in Loveland, CO, can provide routine maintenance on your ducts and the rest of your system to ensure it’s functioning correctly. Routine check-ins also ensure you catch any issues before they become an expensive emergency fix. Call us today at (970) 538-9759.


get your ducts cleaned

When winter rolls around, it’s easy to focus all your attention on your heating services. You wouldn’t be wrong to do this. It’s easy to get a one track mind about your home heating services though. We want you to make sure that you zoom out and see the bigger picture. Your home comfort also relies on your indoor air quality. This is why it’s so important to check in on your ducts.

Your ducts are the foundation of any good indoor air quality system. If you haven’t had a professional handle your indoor air quality needs in a while, this is when you should consider air duct cleaning in Loveland, CO. Air duct cleaning is the best way to ensure that you have a flaw-free heating season. Let’s talk about this below…

The Signs You Should Get Your Ducts Cleaned

Here are a few signs that you should get your home’s ducts cleaned.

High Levels of Dust

If you’ve noticed that your home is just full of dust this season, then it probably has a lot to do with your home’s ducts. Every home gets a little dusty. We want you to take note when you feel like you’ve dusted your space every other day for weeks but it still gets dusty almost immediately after you’re done cleaning up. This shouldn’t be something you’re dealing with. If you are, then it’s because your home’s ducts need cleaning.


You definitely need to have a professional clean your ducts if you’re noticing mold. You get bonus points if you’re noticing mold in places that it’s not even common for it to grow. This would be any place outside of the bathroom.

Your heating system can develop a level of condensation and this can become a problem for your ducts if you let it. This is why you should note your mold problem and let an indoor air quality technician know so they can fix the issue.

Rodents or Insects

It’s never fun to have any type of infestation in your home. If you’ve recently had a critter roaming around or an influx of bugs in your space, then you should have an indoor air quality technician out to your home after you handle it. This is because rodents and insects typically get in through gapping ductwork.

You Just Went Through a Renovation

If you recently renovated your home, then it’s a great idea to check in with your home’s ductwork. Construction is quite a complicated job. If you recently had something remodeled, then it’s likely that dirt and dust built up in your ductwork during the process. We want to help you with these services.

High Energy Costs

One sign that your ductwork is inefficient and increasing your home’s energy cost. High energy bills without a clear issue causing them typically point to a problem with your home’s efficiency. This is where our professionals can step in to serve you. We understand the pitfalls of efficiency and how to fix them.

Contact Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. “We’re big enough to serve, but small enough to care.”



Your indoor air quality is one of the most important aspects of your home’s comfort. Summer is right around the corner, but spring hasn’t officially left us. The flowers are still in bloom and the pollen count is still quite high out there. It’s important that you do everything you can to make sure that your home is an oasis away from wheezing and sniffles.

Even outside of the problem of allergies, we’ve had our fair share of forest fires in recent years. This time of year can be hard on your sinus system. Our duct cleaning services in Loveland, CO can make sure things are as easy as possible for you.

What Is Duct Cleaning?

Air duct cleaning is a service performed by a professional where we go in and remove all the buildup from your ducts. There might be things like dust, dirt, and other debris hiding in your ducts. Our team members know how to get into your ducts and clear all of this out. We’re professionals so we know how to do this with minimal impact on your home as well.

How Does It Help?

Duct cleanings help you because they allow your systems (both air conditioning and heating) to run without interference.

Your ducts build up with a natural amount of dirt throughout the year. Although this is natural and to be expected, it does wear down your system if you don’t address it promptly. For example, your air conditioner will have to work much harder than it should if there is a large amount of debris in your ducts. Clearing this out will make things much easier for your air conditioner and for you as a result.

Our Other Indoor Air Quality Services

Once you open the door into indoor air quality through duct cleaning, you might be curious about the other measures you can take. We offer a few more systems and services including…

  • Air Filters/ Air Purifiers: Both air filters and air purifiers are a great way to rid your home of microbial dirt and grime. They will both greatly improve the overall quality of your home.
  • Air Duct Sealing: Air duct cleaning might not be the end of the answer for you. If you have gaps in your ducts, then you’re not going to get the right efficiency for your home.
  • Air Duct Testing: Air duct testing helps our experts determine exactly what’s going on in your home so we can tackle it with ease.
  • Humidifiers: Humidifiers can help you feel warmer in winter without the extra effort. Humidity balance is important, and we’re prepared to find you the right unit for your home.
  • Dehumidifiers: A dehumidifier is a great thing to add to your home this summer. A home with an excess amount of humidity makes you feel warmer. Removing the excess can make you feel cooler with ease.
  • UV Germicidal Lights: UV germicidal lights are able to make the bacteria and microbial dirt in your home vanish.

Contact For Collins Heating & Air Conditioning for your duct cleaning services. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.



We’re taking a bit more of a serious approach to today’s topic of discussion. We always love sharing helpful tips and information with our readers, but the current situation with wildfires in our area has added some amount of urgency to this post. With the Pine Gulch fire having just surpassed Hayman fire as the largest in our history—burning over 139,006 acres—and the Lewstone Fire having just been contained, these issues are at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

We want to take this opportunity first and foremost to express our sympathies to those directly affected by these blazes, but we also want to address those homes being more indirectly affected by the flames and heat of the fire. Even for those homes relatively removed from the fires themselves, the issue of indoor air quality in Fort Collins, CO demands more attention than ever. We want to make sure that you’re aware of how you can protect your IAQ this season.

Air Purification Is the Answer

You’ve certainly seen us talk about what a good air purifier can do for your indoor air quality during regular seasons. To protect yourself from the odors and health issues related to smoke and its inhalation, though, you really want to be sure that you are using the right air purifier for your needs. Remember, not every air purifier is going to resolve every issue.

When it comes to smoke, you do want something that can remove particulates from the air. It’s not just an air freshener that you’re after. A good HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter will be able to remove particle concentrations in your home, up to 85% according to the environmental protection agency. Electronic air filters are a great option for removing smoke particles, and you don’t have to replace them the way that you do something like a carbon filter. You do need to scrub them on a regular schedule to keep them clean, though.

Click here to see how you can get a Free Indoor Air Cleaner

You Want a Whole-House Solution

The unfortunate truth is that this is not the first time we’ve dealt with wildfires and the resulting smoke in our area. It certainly won’t bet the last, either. If you are serious about avoiding the odors, the burning, watery eyes, and the respiratory issues related to smoke and its inhalation in your home, you want a whole-house air purifier. They’re more effective than room units, they’re much more convenient, and they’re going to save you money over time.

However, they must also be professionally installed. When you’re talking about air quality, you’re really talking about your health. Our HVAC professionals can help you to protect your own health and that of your family. We may not be able to do much about the situations leading to these devastating wildfires, but we can and will do everything possible to help protect the comfort and the health of our valued customers. Reach out to discuss your air purifier options.

Schedule IAQ services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Wave to Better Health

We’ve always been proud to offer quality iWave products for installation in our clients’ homes. Why? because we’ve always known that iWave air purifiers are some of the best in industry. And, with the current pandemic putting homeowners on high alert, we’re excited to share that iWave has proven this fact yet again.

Through testing, the iWave-C proved a formidable foe to SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the COVID-19 disease. Using the iWave-C, and based on viral titrations, it was determined that 84.2% of the virus was inactivated at the 10 minute mark. This number jumped to 92.6% at 15 minutes, and all the way to 99.4% inactivation at 30 minutes!

If you’re interested in protecting your health and your family’s health with a tried and proven system, contact a member of our team today. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big Enough to Serve, Small Enough to Care.


Indoor Air Quality

Homeowners tend to put a lot of emphasis on the temperatures in their homes. When you live in a place like Colorado, you need to make sure that your home is kept cool and comfortable in the summer and warm and cozy in the winter. It’s totally understandable that, given our spectrum of temperature extremes, you’d put a lot of focus on your HVAC systems. However, as a trusted HVAC company in Loveland, we have to remind you to look beyond temperature.

Why? Because temperature is really only a part of the comfort equation. Is it an important part? Yes, of course it is. But so too is your indoor air quality, and that is a component that is too often ignored or simply overlooked by homeowners. That’s a shame, because poor indoor air quality can really lead to problems not just with comfort, but with overall health, as well. Our team can help you improve your indoor air quality.


What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality

Now that is a loaded question. There are a ton of different causes of poor indoor air quality, and some of them are actually beneficial in other ways. Take your home’s air seal, for instance. Yes, a very tightly sealed and well-insulated home is great for energy efficiency purposes. However, it also really limits the natural ventilation that older, less efficient homes would have. That means that air can get really stale, really quickly, if you’re not addressing that concern. Other potential issues include:

  • Humidity levels in the house
  • General cleanliness
  • Proximity to major roadways, construction sites, or wooded areas
  • Pets in the house

Now, you obviously cannot be expected to just up and move because the dust and fumes from a nearby freeway are becoming an issue for you. And we certainly wouldn’t suggest giving up a beloved furry friend to combat air quality issues! So what’s the solution?

The Solution Is—Finding the Right Solution!

Much as we would love to tell you otherwise, there is no single solution that is going to fix every indoor air quality problem in every home. Different homes have unique needs, and different homeowners have different concerns and sensitivities. The good news is that there is a solution to your problems out there. You just need to work with professional IAQ technicians like ours to be sure that you’re approaching the issue in the right manner. We install and service:

  • Air filters and air cleaners, to deal with airborne pollutants
  • UV germicidal lights, to deal with biological pollutants
  • Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, to balance humidity levels

We also offer great duct services to ensure that your air ducts are properly sealed and clean within. The last thing that you want is for something as important as your ductwork to be actively contributing to your indoor air quality problems! Whatever your IAQ needs may be, we’re here to make sure they’re met.

Schedule your IAQ services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


 Protecting Indoor Air Quality

Very few homeowners are going to ignore the need for keeping temperatures in their homes at comfortable levels. You aren’t going to overlook the need for an effective heater when it is freezing cold outside, right? Of course not. That need is obvious. Not all needs are quite as obvious, though, even if they are equally important. Take, for instance, the need for great indoor air quality in one’s home. Make IAQ services part of your ongoing HVAC services in Loveland.

The problem with indoor air quality is that there are just so many different ways in which it may suffer. Fortunately for you, the IAQ professionals on our team are here to ensure that, no matter what is wrong with your indoor air quality, you’ll have the right solutions in place. Reach out to us today with any concerns that you have surrounding the quality of the air that you breathe in your home. We’ll outfit your home with the systems and services that it needs.

Humidity Issues

Humidity is a tough nut to crack. Too little humidity in your home is certainly not desirable and can have a number of unpleasant consequences. These can include dry, itchy skin, nosebleeds, increased instances of illness, and more. However, too much humidity is not great, either. If the air in your home is too humid, then you may run into musty odors, issues with warping wooden floorboards, wood rot, and even the promotion of mold growth.

Now, we’re sure that some of you have some amount of experience with portable humidifier and dehumidifier units. However, if you are serious about optimizing humidity in your home, these are not what you should choose! You want whole-house solutions to your humidity problems, and that means that you want a whole-house humidifier and/or dehumidifier installed in your residence. And that means hiring a professional like ours to do the job right.

Airborne Pollutants

Perhaps the most common issue that homeowners encounter with their indoor air quality is that of airborne pollutants. Think about dust, dirt, pet dander, pollen, and other debris that can get into the air in your home. Now, think about breathing all of those pollutants into your lungs! But hey, what can you do about it, right? It’s not like you’re going to ditch Fido just because he sheds.

Well, no, we’re certainly not advocating for that—no more than we’d suggest that there’s any way in which to completely eliminate the risk of airborne pollutants making their way into your home. However, you can remove those pollutants from the air that you breathe quite effectively with the right equipment in place. Whole-house air filtration systems, for example, or more advanced air cleaning systems, may be used to clean the air that fills your home.

Biological Pollutants

We know this one sounds scary. And we are not alarmists. However, it has to be said. Biological pollutants in your home pose a health threat. And we can help.

With UV germicidal lights, you can destroy biological pollutants like viruses, mold spores, and bacteria that are putting your health at risk. Call today to learn more.

Schedule your IAQ services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


air quality

When you think about air quality in Colorado, you’re probably thinking about smoke from wildfires and exhaust from cars lowering the quality of our outdoor air. Environmental pollutants are a big issue in our world, but it’s important to pay attention to the air quality inside your home too.

You might think of your home as a safe haven away from this pollution. But your indoor air quality is often worse than the air quality outdoors. Air quality inside homes is so low because homes modern home across the country are tightly sealed and impeccably energy efficient. This is great for your energy bills but bad for your lungs. If you’re wondering what factors cause low indoor air quality, keep reading below, if you’d like Loveland HVAC services you can contact our team.

Factors That Lower Your IAQ

You might be surprised to learn how many things can bring down the quality of your IAQ here in Loveland. When people think of Colorado, they often think of fresh air and mountain ranges. You’re a resident here, however, so you know that our reality isn’t always this idyllic. Additionally, indoor air quality plays by different rules. Indoor air quality is often worse than outdoor air quality because of the following factors:

  • Dirty Ductwork: When was the last time you had your ductwork cleaned? If you’re completely drawing a blank or if you’re realizing that it’s been years then it’s time to pick up the phone. Your ductwork is responsible for circulating all the conditioned air in your home in summer and winter. Your ductwork naturally accumulates dirt, dust, grime, and other debris over time. You need a professional team to deep clean your ductwork. Just dusting at the air registers in your room isn’t enough.
  • Humidity: Excess humidity or a lack of humidity is a real problem in your home. There’s a “sweet spot” of the humidity in your home. It should always hover around 30% to 50%. If it dips below 30% then it’s likely that you’ll feel dried out and cold in winter with a heightened chance of sickness. If it swells above 50% then it’s likely that you’ll feel hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable in summer. Balancing your home’s humidity can help you feel comfortable for a lower cost. If you’d like to get more from your HVAC system, then you can contact our professionals about our humidifier and dehumidifier services.
  • Bacteria, Viruses, and Volatile Organic Compounds, Oh My!: Airborne contaminants in your home can have a wide-ranging effect on your indoor comfort and personal health. If you’re coughing, wheezing, sneezing, or dealing with constant headaches, the real culprit behind your discomfort could be contaminants in your indoor air. We have a wide variety of IAQ systems including air purifiers, air filters, and UV germicidal lights that we can install in your home to alleviate these issues. You can contact our team to learn more. We’ll help you breathe easier.

Contact Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment for our IAQ services. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


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