Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

May 9, 2014

Late spring is a time when many people choose to have new installation of home comfort systems. Getting rid of an aging heater or air conditioner is one of the ultimate forms of “spring cleaning”; it makes for good planning to have the work done during this slower season for HVAC professionals and to prepare for the next period of extreme temperatures.

Among your options for spring air conditioning installation in Windsor, CO, you might have considered a ductless mini split heat pump. Perhaps you’re not sure if such a system will work for you, or what extra benefit you’ll receive. We’ll give you some pertinent information about ductless systems to help you with making a choice.

You will need professional assistance when choosing new installation. Call Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning, where we’ve helped heat and cool homes since 1924.

We’ll help you narrow down your choices and find out if a ductless mini split heat pump is your ideal system for this summer and the many after it.

What you need to know about ductless mini split installation

  • It may need assistance in winter: Although you will have summer on your mind when you have a heat pump installed in spring, keep in mind that heat pumps perform the dual function of cooling and heating. If you invest in a ductless system, you’re investing in year-round comfort. Because heat pumps can struggle during extremely low winter temperatures, you may need to have a hybrid system installed with a backup furnace that uses natural gas or propane. All the cautions regarding a heat pump also apply to a ductless system.
  • It works bests for new construction and old homes: If you already have a ventilation network in your home, a ductless mini split may not be the right installation for you; a standard heat pump will hook up and work just as well. However, if you are building a new home, adding on a room, or live in an old home without room for ducts, then ductless mini split heat pumps are often the best of all choices. Bypassing ducts saves you space and allows you to put in an air conditioning system far more powerful than a window unit.
  • It offers zone control: This is one of the major advantages of ductless mini split heat pumps: you can control the temperature separately around the house. Since ductless systems use blower units mounted on walls to send air directly into rooms, you can control which rooms receive cool air (or warm air), You don’t need to cool down rooms that no one is using, which will add up to large savings on your utility bills.

Our air experts in air conditioning installation in Windsor, CO will help you decide if a ductless system will do the job for your home. Whatever system you decide to install this spring, let Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning handle the hard work for you.


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