Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

What is the Lifespan of a Furnace?

Furnace Service Loveland CO

Several factors affect the service life of a furnace. Even a well-made furnace won’t last forever. If you want to know how long before you need to buy a new one, pay attention to the following factors. That will help you determine if it’s time to start shopping for a replacement.

Average Lifespan for a Furnace

Some furnaces can last for about 40 years. That’s extremely rare. On average, you can expect a gas furnace to last for about 15 to 30 years. One way to make that happen is to pay for yearly maintenance. That’s why you need to find a trustworthy furnace service in Loveland, CO.

What Factors Affect Its Service Life?

  • What is the make and model of your furnace? The newer and more advanced the model, the better their lifespans tend to be compared to older units.
  • How often do you have your furnace serviced? Make sure you have at least a yearly maintenance scheduled to keep the unit in tip-top condition.
  • What is the quality of the service? Hire reliable pros to perform the maintenance. Even if you check your unit regularly, if you don’t have the training or skill to recognize signs of trouble, those will only slip past you. Pros are better at handling these things. They know what to look for and how to resolve issues, nipping problems before they turn into bigger ones.
  • What are the moisture levels? Too much humidity can compromise the heater components of your system. Your yearly maintenance team can easily catch that, so they can fix it sooner rather than later.
  • Is there proper ventilation? That’s necessary to manage the humidity levels. Best leave it up to the experts to deal with the problem.
  • Did you hire pros to install the unit? Mistakes during the installation could reduce the operational efficiency of your furnace by as much as 30 percent. Don’t let that happen. Get a professional for installation work.

Is it Time to Replace My Furnace?

If your furnace is over 15 or 30 years old, you may give yourself more cost savings if you buy a new furnace. Don’t keep pouring money into the unit for repairs. That’s only a stop-gap measure. Replace the unit if the cost of the repairs is already more than half the cost of a new furnace. Remember to hire pros to install the new one to prevent problems later.


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