Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog


Water Heaters

Tank water heaters are probably what you’re most familiar with when we mention these systems. They’re large, noticeable, and oftentimes can be a bit noisy. This is the traditional water heater model found in most homes, so many people realize that they need maintenance from time to time.

Scaling is something that occurs in these systems and allows for a mineral buildup that clangs around noisily. This can actually hurt the system—casing problems with pressure, temperature, and potentially even corrosion. Tank water heaters need flushing on occasion to offset all this.

With this knowledge, you may be tempted to switch to a tankless model, and this is certainly worth your consideration. Tankless water heaters are highly efficient, work “on-demand” rather than storing hot water and risking standby energy loss, plus they save space! But, guess what? They need maintenance too.

Scaling Impacts Tankless Water Heaters

Scaling affects tankless water heaters too, not just tank systems. In fact, scaling can lead to a premature breakdown of this system if you don’t schedule regular maintenance so it can get checked out by a pro. Scaling happens when there’s hard water consistently going through your water heater.

Hard water is water that has a high level of minerals in it—namely calcium, magnesium, and sometimes even iron. These mineral deposits are absolutely harmless to ingest. However, if they’re left behind in appliances or pipes, we typically call that “scaling.”

Scaling impacts the heat exchanger of your tankless water heater. As you might realize, the heat exchanger is what heats up the water in the first place. You need it to be clean, so that the water can effectively and efficiently be heated. Scaling can make your burners work harder, or can overwork a tankless water heater to the point that it breaks down.

How Often Should You Schedule Maintenance?

For some tankless water heaters, annual maintenance is essential to keeping the system running smoothly throughout its lifespan. For others, maintenance can afford to wait a year or two longer. This timeframe depends on how hard the water is in your area, and if you’re currently doing anything to treat it.

The installation of a whole-house water softener, for instance, may be the answer to your hard water troubles. Your tankless water heater should still be checked regularly by a pro, but you may not need to worry about scaling so much if you have a whole-house water softener in place.

“When Does a Tankless Water Heater Need Replacing?”

Remember, even if you have your tankless system maintained on a regular basis, the system won’t last forever. Eventually, you’ll need to replace your system with a new one. The good news is, most tankless water heater systems last 20 years or more!

If your tankless water heater starts failing before this point, it could be from lack of professional water heater maintenance. Keeping up with this service is the only way to ensure your system lives out its full term.

Schedule your service for water heaters in Loveland, CO with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Brand New Water Heater

There was probably a time in your life when you would have balked at the idea of pining for a new water heater and hoping one would be gifted to you during the holiday season. As an adult, however, you probably realize how incredible a gift that would be! Just because no one is planning on giving you a brand new water heater this year doesn’t mean that you can force your water heater through another year of service if it really has nothing left to give, though.

While a water heater replacement may not be the most exciting way in which to spend your money, it is something you’ll have to spend your money on eventually. If you ask us, it makes a lot more sense to schedule your water heater replacement before your system gives out on you entirely. That’s why we’re covering some of the reasons why you might want to consider replacing your water heater in today’s post. If you decide to do so, schedule service with our fine plumbers in Loveland, CO.

Is Your Water Heater Costing too Much to Run?

If your water heater is relatively new but is costing a lot to run, it’s possible that it just has a low efficiency rating. While you may be hesitant to replace a water heater that is technically working just fine due to high operating costs, the fact is that doing so can help you to save money in the long run by cutting down on your energy bills. It’s not an easy decision to make, but if you have the funds for a replacement, it’s probably a good idea.

You may also have a very old water heater that is costing a lot to run, and that is a much easier decision to make. Chances are that your system is running out of time anyway, so why not just pull the plug on it now, and start saving money sooner? If you’re looking to reduce operating costs, it’s tough to beat the savings of a brand new, high-efficiency system.

Are You Scheduling Frequent Repairs?

That’s a pretty sure sign that a replacement is a good option to consider. Just because a water heater can be fixed doesn’t mean it is worth fixing, remember. If your water heater is not very reliable, and you seem to be scheduling more frequent repairs, putting that money toward a replacement probably makes sense.

Not only will you save money on operating costs, but you’ll also be saving money on reduced repair needs. Even “minor” repairs can really add up, so let us know if you’re sick of sinking money into your system.

Do You Want Something Different?

It may sound crazy, but simply wanting a different system is more than enough reason for replacing your water heater. Maybe you want a tankless unit,  or even a heat pump water heater.  Whatever the case may be, remember that you use this system every day.  You should be using the system that you really want, and we’ll help you do so!

Schedule your water heater services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


 Gas or Electric

Ah, yes, the age-old question of which is better—the gas or the electric furnace.  Those of you that followed a link to this post because you’re looking for a simple, clear cut answer to this question may be a bit disappointed in what we have to tell you.  That is that both have their pros and cons. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got a lot more to share with you than that initial response. It’s a more complex question than you may realize.

Let’s first reframe the way that you’re thinking about this question, to begin with. Choosing a new heater of any kind isn’t about choosing the best heater. It’s about choosing the heater that’s best for you. There’s a big difference between the two. Not only will we make sure that you have the right furnace in place for your needs, but we can handle everything from your furnace installation to routine maintenance and furnace repair in Loveland, CO.


Natural Gas Is Typically Preferred

Again, we’re not going to say that natural gas is the “best” option, but it is hard to argue against the benefits of using a natural gas furnace to heat your home—and natural gas as a fuel source in general. Natural gas is quite clean-burning for a fossil fuel, it is piped directly into homes, and can be used for a number of different applications.

There is also the matter of affordability. We’re going to talk about why efficiency ratings can be a bit misleading, and why you shouldn’t necessarily equate them with affordability in terms of operating. Not only does natural gas burn quite efficiently, with modern furnaces really getting a lot of out of the fuel, but the gas itself is quite affordable. So, what about electric models?

Electricity Has Its Own Benefits

Remember, not every home has access to natural gas. That isn’t the only reason one would ever turn to an electric furnace, but it is a major motivator. The use of natural gas necessitates some proximity to a natural gas line, and that’s not a guarantee in every area.

If electricity can do the same thing as natural gas when heating your home, and if it’s already in pretty much every home anyway, why not just choose electricity to start? Well, because it costs more to heat a home with electricity than natural gas. While electric furnaces are incredibly efficient, because they don’t lose heat via flue gases the way that gas furnaces do, the cost of electricity is also considerably higher than natural gas. That’s why it’s possible to have a more efficient system that still costs more to operate.

If you have any questions about any of this, or if you are ready to schedule your furnace repairs, tune-up, or installation with qualified professionals that you can trust to do the job right, just let us know.

Schedule your furnace services with the pros here at Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Schedule Your Heating Tune

A lot of homeowners feel that taking care of their properties and the systems within those properties is their own personal responsibility. That may be true, but handling all of the services that those systems require is not something that most homeowners can or should attempt to handle personally. If you’re not an HVAC professional, for instance, then you should leave your heating tune-up in Loveland, CO, to our team. HVAC maintenance is a necessity, and it requires a professional’s expertise.

You’ll find plenty of that when you work with our staff. We service heaters of all kinds, and we’ll make sure that your home heating system is ready to keep your family comfortable successfully throughout the coldest days and nights of the year. Colorado can be quite beautiful during the winter season, but it’s a lot easier to get out and enjoy a day on the slopes when you know that you’ve got a warm, cozy house to return to.


Why You Can’t Pass Up Heating Maintenance

Simply put, if you value your comfort,  then you absolutely need to schedule routine heating maintenance in Loveland, CO. Be sure to work with a member of our team to get the greatest possible return on your investment in heating maintenance. The benefits cannot be overvalued.

  • Improved heating efficiency, which means that you’ll be able to keep your heating bills as low as possible throughout the coldest time of the year.
  • Improved performance quality, meaning that you’ll actually be paying less for a better performance from your heater.
  • Improved reliability, which will keep repair needs as few and far between as possible.
  • Improved system lifespan, meaning that you’ll get the fullest service life possible from your system.
  • Improved safety, meaning that you won’t have to worry about risks caused by negligence when running your heater.

Why You Need a Professional to Do the Job Right

Well, so that you can enjoy all of the above benefits! If you try to tune your heating system up on your own, your best case scenario is doing a subpar job of it. Worst case scenario, and unfortunately a very likely outcome, is that you’ll wind up putting your heater, your comfort, and the safety of everyone in your home at risk. Make the smart choice, and let our team handle your home heating maintenance needs.

It’s just too complicated a service to carry out on your own. You can change your own air filter and you can keep the outdoor unit of a heat pump clear of any debris. Beyond that, however, a pro needs to do the job. From testing relays to ensuring the safe delivery of fuel throughout the system for combustion, we’ll cover every detail. When you work with us, your heater will work optimally in order to optimize your comfort all throughout the heating season. Be sure to enroll in our maintenance program to get the best maintenance experience possible!

Schedule your heating services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Drains Clogged

Maybe you truly love hosting friends and family around the holidays, cooking meals for them and maybe even putting them up for a few nights. Maybe you’re only lukewarm on the proceedings, but go with the flow because you’re thankful for the people in your life. Whatever the case, whatever your excitement level surrounding the responsibilities of hosting, one thing is certain—plumbing problems can put a damper on even the cheeriest of celebrations!

Among the most common of all plumbing problems, and definitely a very common issue during the holiday season, is the clogged drain. When you are cooking for and cleaning up after more people than normal, and when you potentially have a lot more strain put on your bathroom plumbing than is normal, you can understand how these problems may develop. Be sure to reach out to a member of our team with any concerns that you may have. You can count on our drain cleaning service in Loveland.

What You Can Do to Prevent Clogged Drains

Quite a lot, actually. Now, much of this is going to fall squarely on your shoulders. However, if you are hosting guests, you have to get over any hesitation that you may have in explaining some ground rules about your plumbing. This is especially true for those visitors that have young children with them. There is nothing wrong with requesting that some care be taken with your plumbing system! Keep the following in mind, and share anything relevant with any guests that you’re hosting.

The Kitchen

Do not pour any FOG down the drain. This means fat, oil, or grease. Roasted a beautiful bird to feed the crew? Pour the FOG from the roasting pan into a can, freeze it, and toss it in the garbage when you’re ready to take it out for the week. You don’t want to pour FOG down your drain, because it’s only a liquid when warm. When it cools in the plumbing system, it can and will congeal, and that can cause major clogs. Also, make sure that you’re not putting fibrous or starchy foods down the garbage disposal. Fibrous foods can jam up the impeller mechanism, while starchy foods can expand in moisture and lead to blockages.

The Bathroom

Nobody wants to talk about the business that individuals take care of in the bathroom. It’s a private affair, we get it. However, you need to make sure that everyone using your plumbing knows how to use it properly. Make sure that there is a trash bin right next to the toilet for any sanitary products that need to be disposed of. Make sure that any parents visiting with their children understand that no baby wipes, even those claiming to be flushable, are, in fact, flushable. Trust us on this one—you don’t want to learn this lesson the hard way.

If your drains are moving slowly, gurgling, or backed up completely,  just give a member of our team a call. We’ll make sure that they’re cleaned effectively and thoroughly.

Schedule your drain and sewer services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Prevent Frozen Pipes

When you think of the different problems that may develop with your plumbing system, you may think of a subpar water heating performance or a backed-up toilet. What you may not think of, at least not until it happens, is the freezing of your pipes. Unfortunately, Colorado is more than cold enough to make this a real possibility. The last thing you want after an exciting day on the slopes is to come home to your own personal skating rink.

We’ve got a few tips from our plumbers in Loveland, CO, that will help you to avoid frozen plumbing pipes in your home. Just remember that, while prevention is key, there is no way to guarantee that you’ll never run into this problem in your home. If you notice any signs at all of frozen pipes, or if you’re unsure of what you can do to prevent this issue even after reading today’s post, then let us know right away.

Maintain Airflow Around Your Pipes

If you look around your home, you are probably not going to see pipes running through your living space. If you do have pipes running along your living room ceiling, at the base of your bedroom walls, etc., well,  you may want to find a new contractor! Because so much of your plumbing system is hidden away from view, there is a very good chance that much of your piping is tucked away in unheated areas of the house.

This might mean under cabinetry, behind drawers, etc. By opening up your cabinet doors and drawers in order to let heated air from your home pass over and around those pipes, you may be able to prevent them from freezing up. It may look a bit odd to have those doors and drawers open, but it sure beats the alternative.

Insulate Your Pipes Well

There are very few plumbing services that we advise homeowners to handle on their own, but insulating your pipes is so simple that you can actually handle it yourself if you feel up to the task. Pipe insulation is very cheap, very easy to use, and can definitely prevent frozen pipes in most circumstances.

Not all of your pipes are exposed, of course, but those that are should be wrapped up in insulation. Not only can this help to prevent pipes from freezing up and bursting, but it can also help to boost efficiency as well. Wrapping hot water pipes in insulation keeps heat in the water from going to waste.

The Trickle Trick

It’s not a trick on you—it’s a trick on winter temperatures trying to devastate your plumbing system!

When you run a trickle of water through your plumbing system on those very frigid nights, you’re allowing just enough water to move through them to prevent the freezing of still water left in the pipes when they’re not in use. Don’t think of it as wasting water. Think of it as using water to prevent wasting a lot more!

Schedule your plumbing services withFort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


Replacing Your Air Conditioner

In our previous blog post, we filled you in about the R-22 phaseout that is looming on the very near horizon. Check that out here if you haven’t already (or if you’re just ready for a refresher before today’s post). This phaseout obviously has implications for homeowners thinking about repairing old air conditioners, whether it makes more sense to just replace now, etc. Our focus today is why you shouldn’t view a potential air conditioning replacement as a burden.

Giving your air conditioning in Loveland, CO, a fresh start is a great way to reap a number of different benefits. Of course, your overall satisfaction with your new air conditioning system is going to depend largely on the quality of the air conditioning replacement itself. Even a great air conditioner can come up short if it is not installed by skilled, trained professionals.  That is why you want to work with the technicians on our team, every step of the way.

Improve Your Overall Comfort

My air conditioner may be old, but hey—it’s still getting the job done. We hear this a lot, and we know that there are plenty of old ACs out there still doing their thing. The question is—how well are they doing it?

It’s something that we all fall into. My car still gets me from point A to point B. My computer still boots up. I have to brew a pot of coffee while I wait for it to finish, but it happens eventually. And my AC takes a little longer to cool the house down, but I’ve got the time. What many homeowners are surprised to discover once they have replaced their ACs is just how much better the new system performs. If the phaseout has you thinking about a replacement, it’s worth considering the better cooling experience you’re likely to enjoy.

Take Advantage of New Technology…

Inverter air conditioners. Heat pumps. Ductless cooling. Smart thermostats. I don’t need all the hokey gimmicks, you may be thinking, I just want to cool my home! We understand your hesitance, but we’re not talking about shelling out a thousand bucks for a new phone that has 1 megapixel more than your model from last year does. We’re talking about real advancements in technology that help today’s air conditioners to function at higher levels than ever before.

Does this mean that you can’t opt for a relatively bare-bones AC replacement? Of course not. It does mean that you can view your replacement as an opportunity to improve on what came before, though. You can customize your comfort with more versatile equipment without straying off into the realm of gimmickry when you take the time to explore your AC replacement options.

..and the Efficiency It Brings

If you want to pay less for more comfort, and we don’t know why you wouldn’t, then there is no getting around the fact that upgrading your old air conditioning system is the most effective way to go. Yes, it may be a pretty major expense upfront. When you consider the returns you’ll be getting on that investment for years to come, though, it’s clear to see that this boost in energy efficiency is well worth the initial price tag.

Schedule your AC replacement with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


R-22 Refrigerant Phaseout

If you are looking for a new air conditioning installation or replavcement in Loveland, CO, then this is a post that you really need to read. Chances are that, if you’ve been shopping around for new systems, you’ve come across some variation of the phrase “R-22 phaseout,” and likely tied to the date of “January 1st, 2020.” Make no mistake about it—this phaseout is a major shakeup for the HVAC industry!

In today’s post, we’ll talk about what R-22 refrigerant is, why your system is so dependent upon refrigerant, and the wider implications of this phaseout. Again, this really is big news and will have far-reaching effects throughout the industry, so definitely contact a member of our team with any questions that you may have. As a homeowner that values your comfort, you’ll want to have a basic understanding of the issue and how it may affect you and your home.

First, What Does Refrigerant Do?

Basically, it allows you to cool your home! Air conditioners cool homes by removing heat from them. To do so, they evaporate refrigerant indoors to remove heat from the air inside. They then condense refrigerant in the air outside in order to release the heat that the refrigerant absorbed inside. The cycle continues until desired temperatures are met.

What Is R-22 Refrigerant?

R-22 was the industry standard for refrigerant up until very recently. If you’ve ever used an air conditioner in your lifetime up until very recently,  then you’ve used R-22 even if you didn’t realize it. R-22 is commonly referred to as Freon, though this is really an umbrella term only specific to R-22.

Why the Phaseout?

R-22 is being phased out due to environmental factors. Specifically, R-22 is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon refrigerant, and is a contributing factor to ozone depletion. Following the phaseout, R-410A will be the new industry standard. This is a more environmentally-friendly refrigerant, and is already used in many newer air conditioning and heat pump systems.

What Does This Mean for Me?

If you have an air conditioning system using R-22 to cool your home, don’t worry—no one is going to tell you that you have to replace that system right now. However, you do need to know that, come the phaseout date, there is a ban on the production and import of R-22 refrigerant. That means that any repairs requiring the correction of your system’s refrigerant charge will be dependent upon existing stockpiles of R-22.

Because production of the refrigerant will cease, prices are likely to go up. That means that now is a great time to make the switch to an R-410A system. If you are thinking about replacing your system anyway, then you definitely want to avoid R-22 systems. If you have a major repair coming up that you’re on the fence about, we’d advise that you really consider replacing the old system with a new model using the new standard refrigerant.

If your air conditioner is working just fine, however, then you don’t have to worry about replacing it now. Just keep in mind that, if you do run into issues in the future, the supply of R-22 may be limited and replacement is likely going to be in your best interest.

Schedule your AC services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


air quality

When you think about air quality in Colorado, you’re probably thinking about smoke from wildfires and exhaust from cars lowering the quality of our outdoor air. Environmental pollutants are a big issue in our world, but it’s important to pay attention to the air quality inside your home too.

You might think of your home as a safe haven away from this pollution. But your indoor air quality is often worse than the air quality outdoors. Air quality inside homes is so low because homes modern home across the country are tightly sealed and impeccably energy efficient. This is great for your energy bills but bad for your lungs. If you’re wondering what factors cause low indoor air quality, keep reading below, if you’d like Loveland HVAC services you can contact our team.

Factors That Lower Your IAQ

You might be surprised to learn how many things can bring down the quality of your IAQ here in Loveland. When people think of Colorado, they often think of fresh air and mountain ranges. You’re a resident here, however, so you know that our reality isn’t always this idyllic. Additionally, indoor air quality plays by different rules. Indoor air quality is often worse than outdoor air quality because of the following factors:

  • Dirty Ductwork: When was the last time you had your ductwork cleaned? If you’re completely drawing a blank or if you’re realizing that it’s been years then it’s time to pick up the phone. Your ductwork is responsible for circulating all the conditioned air in your home in summer and winter. Your ductwork naturally accumulates dirt, dust, grime, and other debris over time. You need a professional team to deep clean your ductwork. Just dusting at the air registers in your room isn’t enough.
  • Humidity: Excess humidity or a lack of humidity is a real problem in your home. There’s a “sweet spot” of the humidity in your home. It should always hover around 30% to 50%. If it dips below 30% then it’s likely that you’ll feel dried out and cold in winter with a heightened chance of sickness. If it swells above 50% then it’s likely that you’ll feel hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable in summer. Balancing your home’s humidity can help you feel comfortable for a lower cost. If you’d like to get more from your HVAC system, then you can contact our professionals about our humidifier and dehumidifier services.
  • Bacteria, Viruses, and Volatile Organic Compounds, Oh My!: Airborne contaminants in your home can have a wide-ranging effect on your indoor comfort and personal health. If you’re coughing, wheezing, sneezing, or dealing with constant headaches, the real culprit behind your discomfort could be contaminants in your indoor air. We have a wide variety of IAQ systems including air purifiers, air filters, and UV germicidal lights that we can install in your home to alleviate these issues. You can contact our team to learn more. We’ll help you breathe easier.

Contact Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment for our IAQ services. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.


professional plumber

Would you cut away at the walls in your home in order to service—or attempt to service—your electrical wiring? We’re betting and, frankly, hoping that you wouldn’t. Let us ask you this, then. Would you feel more comfortable servicing the pipes in your home?  If you answered yes, we’ve got to ask: why? Safety is probably your first and foremost answer, but we really want to stress that DIY plumbing services come with their own inherent risks.

While there are certainly some cases in which you can handle your own plumbing needs—you probably don’t need a professional plumber to plunge the toilet on occasion—most plumbing issues are really going to require the skill and expertise that only a professional plumber can offer. In today’s post, we’ll talk about a few instances in which it’s in your best interest to contact a professional plumber. So read on, and be sure to contact a member of our team when you need any plumbing services in Loveland.


Your Drains Keep Clogging

Oh, I think you lost your train of thought. We’re supposed to be talking about plumbing issues that require professional intervention. Drain clogs I can handle on my own. 

Not effectively, you can’t. And no, that is not a challenge on our end. We know that there are cheap chemical cleaners you can use to clear up clogs in your drains, but the fact is that they’ll probably only do an effective enough job to allow the cleaner itself to pass through. Same with DIY-drain snaking. Yes, you can buy an auger. Yes, you may be able to free up some clogs. But you may also just push the auger through the clog. In either event, clogs will likely redevelop before too long.

Your Hot Water Isn’t Hot

That doesn’t mean that it has to be frigid, either. The idea that “good enough” is ever really good enough when it comes to a plumbing system is exactly how so many homeowners wind up in—apologies for this—hot water.

You may have a temperature control issue. You may have sediment at the bottom of your tank. You may simply need to replace an old, ineffective heater. Whatever the case, you want to have a professional resolve the problem ASAP.

Your Water Bills Keep Rising

This is an issue that way too many people overlook. In this world of automatic payments and managing different accounts, it can be easy to overlook fluctuations in what you’re paying for what. Don’t let high water bills sneaky by under your radar, though. If you do, you may wind up ignoring a pretty clear sign that you’ve got leaks in your plumbing system.

Remember, not all leaks are “major” and not all leaks are going to result in flooding. Many will trickle away for quite a while before you notice that anything is wrong.  Keep an eye on spiking water costs, and contact us if you have any reason to suspect leaks in your home.

Schedule your plumbing services with Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning. Big enough to serve, small enough to care


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