Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

November 13, 2017

HVAC Efficiency Tips

Our Loveland, CO HVAC technicians are here to help you get the most from your heating system. It can get extremely cold for long stretches here in Colorado during the winter, and guaranteeing that your heater is in prime working condition should definitely be a top priority. But you don’t just want to heat your home effectively. You want to do so in an efficient manner as well, right? Today, we are going to focus our post on ways in which to improve HVAC efficiency this winter.

While investing in a brand new HVAC system with a high energy efficiency rating is obviously going to get you some great results, doing so comes at a considerable expense. That is why we want to cover some of the simpler ways in which to improve the efficiency with which you heat your home without replacing the entire system. Read on, and be sure to contact a member of our team if you have any questions or if you want to schedule any HVAC services.

Take Advantage of Natural Heat Gain

When you leave the house in the morning, or if you are at home on the weekend, make sure that you don’t forget to draw the curtains back and let the sun in. It sounds simple, and it is. However, allowing heat to enter into your home naturally through this type of solar heat gain is a very efficient–free, actually–way to take some of the strain off of your home heating system. A bit of glare on the TV is probably worth the benefits of warming up your home with some much-needed sunshine in the winter season, don’t you think?

Upgrade That Old Thermostat

We said that you don’t have to replace your entire HVAC system to enjoy better heating efficiency. What about simply upgrading your thermostat, however? If you are using a manual thermostat with dial or slide controls, upgrading to a digital thermostat can give you more accurate control over temperature settings, and that can help you to reign in heating costs a bit.

For further savings, however, you should consider the use of a programmable thermostat. That way, you won’t have to decide between fully heating an empty house all day long, or coming home to an uncomfortably cold environment. A programmable thermostat can be programmed around your own personal schedule. Smart thermostats take things even further, and we can determine if one can be integrated into your existing HVAC system.

Schedule Routine Maintenance!

Yeah, yeah. We’ve said it before. Many times. But we’re going to keep saying it: scheduling routine heating maintenance is far and away the best thing that you can do for your home heating system. Not only does routine heating maintenance keep repair needs at bay while helping you to live more comfortably, it also keeps your heater working at peak efficiency levels. You don’t have to drain the budget just to live in the level of comfort that you deserve!


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